
In 2019 the Communications Committee of the GFC initiated a project to see what, where, and how GF members received mentoring in their positions. Mentoring can focus on teaching, research, and/or service, or focus specifically on preparing for promotion. As a first step, we surveyed all schools at UVA, and found the only comprehensive mentoring policy was in the School of Education and Human Development.

In December 2019, we launched the Mentoring project with an event at Bavaro Hall in the School of Education and Human Development. Shortly thereafter a survey was sent out to all GF. We received almost 300 responses. As of late February 2020, what is clear is that:

  • General faculty see a need for mentoring and being mentored
  • Mentoring topics include work/life balance, effective teaching, and understanding the promotion and reappointment processes
  • A group mentoring model (rather than matched one-on-one mentoring) will be used
  • Developing "affinity groups" around common interests may be the best way to provide help and support to each other

Then COVID hit, and everything ground to a halt. As of spring 2022, we are RESTARTING the mentoring initiative. Look for information in your mailboxes soon, and please join us in this effort!