11 April 2013: Resolution on Merit-Based Faculty Raises
22 June 2012: Resolution Calling for the Reinstatement of President Sullivan
17 June 2012: Resolution on the Resignation of President Sullivan
12 January 2011: Resolution on Proposed Changes to the Virginia Retirement System (with the PECC)
12 May 2010: Resolution on the Attorney General's Investigation of Dr. Michael Mann
31 March 2010: Endorsement of the Declaration Against Discrimination
22 October 2002: Endorsement of Resolution of Assembly of Professors
The General Faculty Council, as the representative body for the Academic General Faculty, the Administrative and Professional General Faculty, and the Senior Professional Research Staff of the University of Virginia, has voted to endorse the resolution of the Assembly of Professors, dated October 14, 2002, recommending that tuition at the University be raised in response to the current budget crisis.
General Resolution in Support of a Phased and Fair Rise in Tuition Fees
- The University of Virginia is absorbing unprecedented cuts imposed by the state in its operating budgets ($33.8 million in this fiscal year alone).
- Aggregate state funding for higher education in Virginia, by the state's own formula, as fallen short by $300 million per year for the past twelve years.
- The University faces even greater cuts when the legislature reconvenes in January 2003.
- Political leaders in Richmond show no indication of addressing the structural shortfalls in state revenues by reforming the tax code.
- The effects of these cuts, both acute and chronic, threaten the ability of the University of Virginia to fulfill its fundamental mission of excellence in research and teaching.
We, the Assembly of Professors, RESOLVE:
- To urge the administration and the Board of Visitors of the University to take the necessary steps to introduce a phased and fair increase in the rates of student tuition until it reaches levels comparable to peer institutions such as the University of Michigan. This rise in tuition must be guided by several core principles, namely
- the resulting increase in revenues should come directly to the University, without further reductions in state funding.
- financial aid available to students should be commensurately increased, with the goal of meeting the financial aid needs of every qualified student.
- the allocation of additional funds generated by the tuition increase should be fairly apportioned by the provost so it will have the greatest positive effect on the core academic mission of the University.
- We further ask that the Assembly of Professors forward this resolution to the Board of Visitors for its urgent consideration, and that the Faculty Senate, the Student Council, and other constituencies throughout the University consider, endorse and support this resolution.